Best Reviewer Award 2024

The Editorial Board of Labour Economics select out of a list of 3 top reviewers for Labour Economics a winner. The prize is 1.000 Euros.

The winner of the Best Reviewer Award 2024 is Martin Biewen 

The editorial board justified its choice as follows: "Martin has provided exceptionally careful and insightful reviews on various papers submitted to Labour Economics. His methodological expertise has helped a lot in assessing papers submitted to the journal and, in case of revisions, the authors benefitted a lot from his comments. The timely service of reviewers like him is essential for the publication process."

Previous Best Reviewer Award winners

  • 2022: Etienne Lalé, University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada
  • 2021: Matti Sarvimäki, Aalto University, Finland
  • 2020: Marie Paul, Universität Duisburg-Essen
  • 2019: Ioana Marinescu, University of Pennsylvania
  • 2018: Alex Bryson, University College London
  • 2017: Nicolas Ziebarth, Cornell University
  • 2016: Maria Knoth Humlum, Aarhus University
  • 2015: Elizabeth Cascio, Dartmouth College
  • 2014: Jan van Ours, Erasmus University, Rotterdam