Young Labour Economist Prize & Best Poster Award 2021
EALE 2021 Young Labour Economist prize
The prize of € 500 is available for a single authored paper written by someone who has no PhD or received a PhD no longer than 3 years ago.
Jury: Marco Caliendo, Albrecht Glitz, Randi Hjalmarsson, Sandra McNally
2021 winner: Ingrid Haegele (UC Bergeley), Talent Hoarding in Organizations
Motivation of the Jury: In her paper "Talent Hoarding in Organizations", Ingrid uses highly granular personnel data from a large manufacturing firm to document managers' tendency to hoard talented workers by discouraging them from applying for promotions or restricting their access to high-visibility projects. She provides convincing evidence that such talent hoarding leads to inefficiencies due to the misallocation of talent within the firm, and that talent hoarding is particularly detrimental to the career progression of women. The selection committee highly valued the novelty of the research question posed as well the creativity and thoroughness with which Ingrid performed her analysis. The paper provides an insightful and new perspective on the functioning of internal labor markets and the way in which they can affect efficiency and heterogeneity in career paths. The paper makes an important contribution to the literature and, we believe, sets a new benchmark regarding the use of high quality microdata in the field of personnel economics.
EALE 2021 Best poster award
EALE grants an award (€ 500) for the best poster presented at the conference. This prize is awarded by a jury to the best designed poster presented at the conference. The jury evaluates the quality of the posters using mainly the following three criteria: clarity, self-explanatory and layout.
Prize Committee: Arnaud Chevalier, Kristiina Huttunen, Francesco Fasani
2021 winner: Laia Navarro-Sola (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Secondary School Expansion through Televised Lessons: The Labor Market Returns of the Mexican Telesecundaria
Jury report: The poster uses a simple but effective design to convey the main messages of the associated paper:” what is the research question?”, “what is the identification strategy?” and “what are the main results?”. The latter are conveyed graphically. The text is concise, clear and a good use of colours makes it easy to follow. The discussion session was also lively with Laia engaging with her audience. The research question is also highly relevant, how to provide education at reduced costs, using remote teacher technology. The identification relies on differences in the timing of roll-out of TV schools between municipalities in Mexico. Using differences in the age of initial exposure, Laia shows that TV schools increase enrolment to secondary education by up to 17% and increase adult income by 12.6%. As such, Laia is the winner of this year EALE poster prize.